Yoga for Fertility, Egg Freezing and IVF Success

Nov 20, 2024

Jane Dominey, founder of FemFlow Fertility Yoga talks to Women's Health magazine about the benefits of FemFlow Yoga and how to improve fertility naturally. 

FemFlow Yoga for Fertility, Egg Freezing, and IVF

Yoga not only calms the mind and relaxes the body, but it's also a powerful biohack that balances hormones, improves egg quality, and boosts natural conception and IVF success.

If you suffer from painful, irregular periods or are struggling to conceive naturally, please know that it’s not your fault and your body isn’t letting you down. These symptoms are your body's way of calling for attention. Research shows that aside from your biological age, egg quality and hormone balance is affected by diet and lifestyle in the 3 months before ovulation. You can boost your fertility naturally with simple diet changes and fertility yoga that helps reduce inflammation, increase blood flow to your reproductive glands, and relax your nervous system.

Harvard studies reveal that women who participated in a fertility yoga program tripled their chances of conceiving, and IVF success rates more than doubled.

The European Fertility Society has recently shortlisted Jane Dominey from FemFlow as "The Best Fertility Service 2024" for her innovative, holistic and cyclical approach to Fertility Yoga. Here’s why.

Best Yoga Poses to Balance Hormones and Boost Fertility

FemFlow selects the best fertility yoga poses and acupressure points for each phase of the menstrual cycle with a focus on boosting blood flow and releasing nerve pathways to the ovaries and uterus. Meditations for each phase also support the rollercoaster of fertility journey emotions.

Menstrual Phase Yoga Deep pelvic releasing poses and seated forward folds support downward menstrual flow. Avoid twists and inversions to prevent blood from entering the fallopian tubes.

Follicular Phase Yoga Deep twists, inversions, and fertility massage stimulate blood flow to the ovaries, thyroid, and pituitary glands, improve egg quality and uterine lining and promote healthy gut and vaginal microbiome.

Ovulation Day Yoga Sun Salutations and flowing Vinyasa Yoga. Avoiding deep twists while fallopian tubes collect your precious egg.

Luteal Phase (2 Week Wait) Melt over a bolster with reclining butterfly pose (Supta Baddha Konasana) or rest your legs up the wall (Viparita Karani) to increase blood flow to the womb for implantation.

Fertility Yoga for IVF

FemFlow offers gentle yoga flows for IVF stims, meditation for self injection, preparing for egg collection day, yoga for after egg retrieval, embryo testing and grading information, and yoga for embryo transfer.

Your ovaries increase in size and you may feel quite uncomfortable. Avoid twists, strong back bends, compressing the ovaries, abdominal exercises and laying on your tummy. Enjoy hip and heart openers and visualization meditation.

1-1 Support is also offered for PCOS, Endometriosis or Fibroids and recovering from miscarriage.

Fertility and IVF Community Online

If you’re still on the fence about egg freezing or IVF, joining a community of women who are on the fertility journey can help you find clarity, make decisions and stick to a fertility self care routine in a supportive environment.

FemFlow offers fertility yoga videos and meditation audios on-demand and livestream along with access to a supportive fertility community.

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